Research Area

Food & Fibre Value Chains

Food & Fibre Value Chains

Shifting supply chains to value chains can create value for overseas consumers and capture increased value for local producers. Our research examines how New Zealand agribusiness can shift from volume to value.

Organisations such as Te Hono and the Primary Sector Council are urging New Zealand producers of food and fibre to move from volume to value. This raises an important question: How can New Zealand agribusiness govern global value chains that create value for overseas consumers and capture some of that increased value for local producers?

The move from volume to value requires a transformation of supply chains into value chains. The AERU’s research examines and identifies the key factors in transforming supply chains into value chains, and these new value chains can generate and return value for local producers in New Zealand. This is being carried out through our research programmes, including Integrating Value Chains and Rewarding Sustainable Practices, which have received extensive Government and industry support.

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