Research Area
Climate Change
Climate Change
Climate change represents a significant hazard to communities, the economy, and the natural environment. Successful adaptation to the impacts of climate change will require a thorough understanding of its likely risks and opportunities. The AERU’s work on climate change is focused on understanding the dynamic and interconnected economic aspects of climate change, including possible policy avenues for successful adaptation, with a particular focus on New Zealand’s primary sector.
Related Research
In partnership with Westpac New Zealand, the AERU (lead author Professor Anita Wreford) produced research assessing the risks and opportunities presented by climate change to New Zealand agribusiness, as well as the sector's vulnerabilities and potential responses.
Through a suite of approaches incorporating physical science, agricultural productivity models, economic approaches and social science, this project aims to fill some of the gaps in our understanding of the impacts of climate change on agriculture.
The AERU is currently engaged in a project to estimate the economic impact of extreme events in relation to climate change on New Zealand's primary sector, funded by MPI's Sustainable Land Management and Climate Change programme.
Anita Wreford was New Zealand’s only lead author of the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Land (2019), the second Special Report to be produced in the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Cycle (AR6).
The New Zealand Government launched a National Climate Change Risk Assessment to take place in 2019 and 2020 to provide an overview of how climate change may affect New Zealand, with the AERU’s Associate Professor Anita Wreford leading the Economy domain.
The AERU were the principal investigators for the Matrix of Drivers, a project aiming to identify all of the known drivers and issues that affect land and water use in New Zealand, funded by the Our Land and Water National Science Challenge.